- Professor Dr. Md. Abu Hashan Bhuiyan
Vice Chancellor (Acting), UITS
All Dean:
- Professor Dr. Md. Mazharul Hoque
Dean, Faculty of Science & Engineering, UITS - Professor Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Islam
Dean, Faculty of Business, UITS - Ms. Sayeda Afsana Ferdousi
Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, UITS - Adv. Dr. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean
Dean, Faculty of Law, UITS
All Department Head:
- Professor Dr. Md. Mijanur Rahman
Head, Department of CSE, UITS - Dr. Palash Chandra Karmaker
Associate Professor, Department of EEE & ECE and Head, Department of ECE, UITS - Dr. Ifat-Al-Baqee
Associate Professor, Department of EEE & ECE and Head, Department of EEE, UITS - Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman
Associate Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, UITS
- Mr. Md. Mofazzal Hossain
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Pharmacy, UITS - Mr. Md. Al Shayokh
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of IT, UITS - Mr. Mohammad Ikbal Hasan
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Law, UITS - Ms. Naima Afrin
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of English, UITS - Mr. Md. Yahin Hossain
Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Business Studies, UITS - Mr. Md. Anowar Hossain
Lecturer and Head, Department of Social Work, UITS
A person Nominated by the Department on the basis of Seniority and Rank:
- Dr. Nazrul Islam
Professor, Department of IT, UITS - Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman
Associate Professor, Department of EEE & ECE & Director, IQAC, UITS - Mr. Mohammad Mobarak Hossain
Associate Professor, Department of CSE & Advisor, Students Welfare, UITS
- Ms. Farhana Rahman Sumi
Assistant Professor, Department of Business Studeis, UITS - Ms. Zakia Sultana
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, UITS - Ms. Nadia Shabnam
Assistant Professor, Department of Law, UITS - Mr. Md. Tarikul Islam
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, UITS - Ms. Tania Tabassum Tanu
Assistant Professor, Department of English, UITS - Mr. Md. Mehedi Hasan
Lecturer, Department of Pharmacy, UITS
Board of Trustees Nominated:
- Dr. K M Saiful Islam Khan
Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Dhaka. - Professor Dr. Siraj Uddin Ahmed
Treasurer, UITS - Dr. Masudur Rahman
Professor, Department of Marketing, University of Dhaka
Syndicate Nominated:
- Dr. Mohammad Sohel Rahman
Professor Department of Computer Science & Engineering, BUET. - Mr. Mamtaz Uddin Ahmed
Professor, Department of Accounting and Infomation Systems, University of Dhaka.
Member Secretary:
Mr. Mohammad Kamrul Hasan
Member Secretary, Registrar, UITS